Legoaizer - Help

Import and export

The application has everal options to import and export, and print the results:

Open a new picture
The menu offers two options to open (or: 'load') a source image that is used for the blueprint/mosaic. The first option is to open a new image: 'File' -> 'New picture', which opens a pop-up window of your My Pictures folder. navigate to the picture you want to open, and click the 'Open' button. Allowed file types (extensions) are: .bmp, .jpg (.jpeg), .png, .psd, .gif, .emf and .wmf. When an image has been opened, it will be added to the history of opened file.
The second option is to open a previous picture: 'File' -> 'Open picture' and then select one of the list of previously opened picture files. The most recently used is always put on top.

When a picture is read and prepared for the application it will not be processed to a different size. The origiunal size is kept. There is one exception: for pictures that are larger than 1296 pixels (in width or height), the picture will be resized to 1296 pixels on the longest side, while the aspect ratio is kept intact. This is only done in the application, and the original picture is untouched. The reason to resize is very practical: the maximum size of a mosaic is 1296 x 1296 studs, and then it's no need to have more pixels available to determine the colour. When the sophisticated Mosaizer engine is used, a different colour matching algorithm is applied, and the internal size is not restricted to 1296 pixels any more, but to whatever size is required for the Mosaizer engine.

Save the resulting blueprint image
The menu offer several options to save and read back (open) saved results. In the picture below you can see the two options for saving the image and the spreadsheet: 'Save mosaic'. This creates two files, an image and a spreadsheet. The 'Print special' creates an acrobat ('.pdf') file, and is opened after completing. This file format offers the possibility to print at any wanted size without loss of sharpness of the brick or Ministeck® lay-out.

The 'Print special' will show an additional pop-up that requires input over how many pages the result needs to be printed. This feature offers the possibility to accurately indicate how many and what size prints must be made. The two numbers are the number of studs that should be printed per page. In case of e.g. 32x32 stud base plates you can now distribute the mosaic build amongst several workers that each build a part of the full mosaic on a base plate. This feature only works correctly for brick mosaics, and is therefore greyed out when a Ministeck® mosaic is detected.

The resulting pdf file contains not only the mosaic output, it also provides the colour codes and the stud numbers of the base plate. See example picture below. The Row and Column numbers are printed in the left top corner for easy identification of the page position in the full mosaic.

When you open the preferences (Menu > Tools > preferences) you'll find the 'PDF save type'
: there are two possible output format for pdf save. The type 1 will save the build data for that page on a next page, type 2 will save the build data on the same page as the blueprint. Type 1 will therefore avoid that for large amounts of different bricks and colours the build/amount data gets printed off-page. Type 1 is the default, and this setting is also remembered next time you open Legoaizer (as with most of all general settings).

Export Bricklink wanted list
The full bricklist with colour data, price etcetera can be exported in the Bricklink xml file format. This file can then directly be uploaded via Bricklink website as your wanted list and continue to buy your parts via Bricklink. This will only be effective when you have created a fully compatible Bricklink brick-colour table. In case colour and brick codes are not recognized you will risk an error via Bricklink.

After pressing this menu option an interface is shown in which you are requested to complete the data for the xml file (picture above). On the left side (not editable part) is the data that is currently available via the Bricklink website on colours and prices. On the right side (white area) is the editable part of the xml file. Most data is already filed in like requested amount, maximum price, notifications and condition. In case you wish add a remark, you can use the still empty column. If ready, then press the 'Create Export xml file' button. The file is stored in the same location as the mosaic picture and spreadsheet (the 'Results folder', as in 'Folders' in the main menu). In the top corner the associated brick is shown when you click on a row in the editable area (here referred to as 'PartID' , basically the Bricklink part code for that brick part).

Save and open Comma Separated Values (.csv) files
A Comma Separated Values file (.csv) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain text. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. The use of the comma as a field separator is the source of the name for this file format (source: Wiki). These files are featured for its convenient editing in Excel. The use of this feature is quite limited:

You can import and export .csv files from the manu bar: 'Colour table' > 'Convert/Open .csv file'. This feature is designed to conveniently edit RGB data of the bricks, price data and amount data. The feature is less suited to create a new database from scratch. To create a database from scratch can better be done by e.g. using Standard Colours (see here for more details), or simply starting from scratch (see here for details).

Some basic rules if you choose to use the .csv table edit feature:

Open existing result folders
After saving you can now open the resulting files by browsing to the save folder. It's more convenient to use the feature in the main menu 'Open Results folders'. See example below.

Open existing result files
Another option to see the result is to directly open the last saved file. This is done via the main menu 'Results' and then 'Show saved mosaic' or 'Open saved spreadsheet'. The latter is also shown in the picture below. 

Picture above: the saved spreadsheet contains both the colour codes, amounts and cost, but also a full overview in colour of the mosaic and the colour code.

Projects: read and write
Projects can be saved and opened again. This convenient way of working assures that you can tune and tweak your mosaic until it's perfect, and work on this at your convenience. The project file stores all the data that is used for your brick mosaic: the bricks, type, size, cost, amount and colours, all relevant the current application settings, and the results (basically the same data that is stored in the result spreadsheet + some hidden data that is temporarily discarded). If the mosaic data is available in the project file at the moment of saving, at project load the mosaic is fully rebuild.

The original table date is always kept. In case you update the table (and temporarily discard cost and amount data) it will be restored when you reselect a brick or colour again. This is also valid for saving the table as a project (from which you can resume later): all the original table data is kept and saved in the project file. This is particularly useful when you start from e.g. your favourite colour-brick combination table, and want to use this table to optimize your brick usage and cost for that mosaic. When you are done or need to stop, you can save the full dataset, including the bricks and colours you have temporarily (de)selected in your tests. The project will store this data (i.e. availability, amount and cost), and is fully restored again when you decide to use that colour or brick after having resumed from your saved project.

Transfer of a project
The project is heavily dependent on data in local folders (such as pictures) and although you can try, it will not be easy to transfer a project to another computer. Most important: when you are not using a picture database the transfer will work in most cases. In case of pictures, the project contains links to your local folders that contain data. Unless your guest computer has exactly the same structure an data you cannot transfer a project. The projects are stored in a subfolder: see here for details.

In case of Bricklink projects the transfer should be 100% correct, provided that the target system has the same Bricklink dataset as the source system. An update of the latest dataset (via main menu 'Colour table''Bricklink' > 'Show Bricklink data' > 'Check for update' button) should be done, prior to saving and transferring it to other systems. Needless to say that also the same source picture must be present on the target system.

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